

Welcome to our photo blog. We love to travel and take photos to remember our adventures around the world. Thanks for having a look!

The Next Chapter is On the Road! 2012

The Next Chapter is On the Road! 2012

Well - we did it. This past summer, we sold our home in Fort Worth, Texas ... sold/donated a good portion of our "stuff" and the rest is in storage. Which gets us to our next chapter "On the Road!"

 1st stop has been 6 great weeks in the Mission Beach area of San Diego. We have been able to spend time with both Chris and Michelle who are attending college in San Diego. Scroll down to read brief updates about each of them.

Now that we have more free time as empty nesters with - no house - and no yard - we will be traveling to many places we have wanted to visit. In October & November we will be in Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro and Turkey. We will update our travel blog every week or so! 

View from our Rental Condo in San Diego

Cabrillo National Monument - Point Loma

Chris has also begun his 

next chapter

 as a college student at the University of San Diego. So far he is off to a great start with his roommate, his 5 classes, being selected to play on the USD's USTA Club Tennis Team and learning new board sports such as surfing and wave boarding.

Michelle - our family's resident expert of San Diego is now in her last final year of undergraduate work at San Diego State University. She is double majoring in Psychology and Art History and is now in the process of applying to Graduate Schools to continue her education in Psychology. She has a busy schedule with classes, Psych Department Research Assistant/Lab Coordinator and Teaching Assistant. 

Michelle at a Psychology Conference

Turkey! 2013

Turkey! 2013